Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ignoring Pajamas

Has anyone else noticed that Marc Cooper who sits on the PJM Editorial Advisory Board doesn't link to Pajamas Media on his site and doesn't host their 'ads'? Isn't it strange that a man so closely connected to Pajamas Media also links to Truthdig and the Huffington Post? Who I would imagine constitute their competition.


UPDATE: Marc Cooper writes: "i havent even noticed. my blog was recently redesigned and i havent had time to update the blogroll. i apparently pay much less attention to these things than you do."

There you go: all is well in Pajamaland.

UPDATE: Seems like Mr Corn still hasn't linked to Pajamas Media in his blogroll or put up one of their ads either. Could it be the 'progressives' at Pajamas are a little wary about advertising their links with the 'astroblogging' trainwreck that is PJM on their own sites? Or could it be more 'coding problems' and delayed tech support.

What's the point of all these 'flashy' ads and 'snazzy' logo's if your progressive 'yes' men don't display them?

UPDATE #2: Marc Cooper responds in the comments section below.


CNK said...

Looks like Bush isn't the only one without an exit strategy.

Benjamin said...

Marc Cooper clearly has a more casual attitude to Pajamas than to Truthdig, as well he might.

At Truthdig he contributes seriously, and links to the site.

At Pajamas media he has minimal input and it will probably stay that way.

Pajamas is also a shoddy site - poorly designed, sloppily edited.

Marc's explanation that he was trying to inject liberal input into a conservative site may be genuine and laudable, but it also looks an increasingly tired explanation.

Pajamas Media is a shoddy excuse for a media operation backed as it is by 3.5 million dollars, and with a swish, hyped launch.

I can see little point in Cooper's continued involvement - such as it is - because there is little benefit for either party.

I suspect he is already realising this.