Little Green Footballs

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Blogging While Drunk - PJ Media Contributor "Atlas"


Anonymous said...

It was on, Pammy's very own website. She's a member of PJ Media and is getting the Wingnut Welfare handout from Johnson and Simon's paymasters.

Pammy is trying very hard to be the new Coulter of the blogosphere. She has a long way to go.

Anonymous said...

Anti-Hippie (whatever a "hippie" is), I'm sure you can get your wish. Pammy is very available and loves tough-talking chickenhawks. She's flung herself at all the PJ bloggers. If you can babble like most wingnuts, you could get lucky.

Anonymous said...

"Anti-Hippie". Your comment makes no sense at all. I mean in the way of spoken or written english. And a tip:

"I before E, except after C".

A junior wingnut is a sad thing to behold.

Nuclear Cop said...

US combat fatalities in Bosnia: 0.

Obviously Pamela overestimates the power of the hummer.

Pere Ubu said...

So -

getting a blowjob while sending troops to a conflict where there were NO American combat casualties and Repugs muttered darkly about cutting off funding for same troops, bad.

spying on American citizens who had nothing to do with al-Qaeda while sending American troops off to an increasingly unstable Middle East where over 2000 have been killed in combat, perfectly okay.

Doing her would be bestiality for me, 'cause, judging by her priorities, we're obviously not even remotely the same species.