Monday, April 10, 2006

Chuckles the Clown

Chuckles in happier times, before the accusations of racism.

Chuckles Johnson is angry. Someone is calling him and his demented followers 'racists' . How dare they?

The anti-LGF lefty smear machine is kicking into gear again. Firedoglake says I’m a racist, and all my readers are racists, and by extension all “conservatives” are racists too. “Racist,” in this case, being defined as “critical of Islam.” And they’ve found someone who has no life to cherry pick through 2,634,139+ comments to prove it.
Is this the same Chuckles Johnson that constantly cherry picks the messageboard to prove that Muslims are evil? Is this the same Chuckles Johsnon who cherry picks the Daily Kos to prove how bad those nasty Democrats are? Is this the same Chuckles Johsnon that cherry picks the 'Mainstream Media' to show how all Muslims are plotting the downfall of the west? Of course it is. At his hypocritical and laughable best.

This is the great closing quote from Firedoglake that lays into Charles.

If Charles himself is not racist as he claims, though I emphatically disagree, LGF certainly is a “safe haven” for racists. It is a website that “harbors” racists. Readers that claim a moral, religious, racial and cultural superiority are consumed with an unfathomable hatred for Muslims and Arabs. They are provided with a forum where there are no consequences for their words. Instead, such responses are encouraged and thinly covered-up. Racism is what lies beneath.
We couldn't agree more.

UPDATE: Welcome to readers of Crooks & Liars

UPDATE: Welcome to readers of Sadly No! Please pop over there to read non-cherry picked quoted from everybody's favourite genocidalist Iron Fist.

1 comment:

Nuclear Cop said...

Islam represents a broad spectrum of opinion, and not all muslims agree with one another. However, LGF is evil, and so are its followers. Saying so is a fact. It does not impugn any race or ethnicity. There are, in fact, many conservatives who have come to their senses and left LGF. They have my full support and goodwill.