Little Green Footballs

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Advertising? Shmadvertising! (Part two)

A big thanks to Tex MacRae in our comments section for pointing out a couple of facts about the alleged launch of advertising on the PJM 'network'.

They're just doubleclick ads, not Pajamas Ads. Den Beste writes about them here.

He even asked Simon about them and he admitted it.

So, what does it all mean? PJM is desperate to show ads and they thought we wouldn't notice they were sucky old doubleclick junk? By using doubleclick, they have to share the take with them and then still pay the bloggers who're stuck showing the junk ads.

The original idea was for PJ to pitch the blogs as a group to advertisers. What's funny is that everyone who signed up for this deal is probably reading their contracts and realizing there isn't a damn thing they can do about the doubleclick ads. Remember how RLS told people that they could reject ads they didn't like? Ha! There's no way to do that with doubleclick. Everytime the page is refreshed a different ad appears, so you have no idea which ads you've even shown.

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