Little Green Footballs

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

LGF up for an Oscar

Yes, dear readers, our beloved Little Green Foot Balls have scored another victory over the forces of terror: this time, by getting themselves nominated for the 2003 Weblog Awards at ... eh, Wizbang ( Anybody here heard of Wizbang? No? No. No? No, me neither. Sounds like a porn site to me. Wizbang? Wingbiz? Wankbuzz? Oh well, good luck Charles. Sure you'll win. After all, with the field open to such a dizzying array of talent as, eh, Andrew Sullivan (now where have I heard about him before...?), Buzzmachine, Instapundit - basically, the whole range of political opinions from right across the world. Every kind of weblog you can imagine, and right up there with the big boys is our little friend Charlie. Hold tight Charles. We're counting on you to fly the Lizard Flag high!

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