Little Green Footballs

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Charles Johnson hates America

Chuckles Johnson happily reprints the following rubbish from one of his 'readers'.

In contrast to the opinions and feelings of today’s Hollywood, the real actors of yesteryear loved the United States.
Does that really need to be fisked? Is loving the USA based on not criticising an impotent, corrupt and deceitful administration? Is loving the USA being shameless war junkie?

They had both class and integrity. With the advent of World War II, many of our actors went to fight rather than stand and rant against this country we all love. They gave up their wealth, position, and fame to become service men and women, many as simple “enlisted men”.
Is this idiot seriously trying to make parallels between the fight against German Nazism and Japanese imperialism with the current 'War on Terror'? Is he seriously saying that to love ones country, one must join the military? If that's so Charles Johnson and his chickenhawk buddies are the biggest America haters on the block!

1 comment:

Pilsen Books said...

Not only that, guys like Johnson hounded a lot of left-wingers out of the business, if not into suicide or jail, after WWII