Whenever things get downright unspinnable in eye-rack, or he's been on a Muslim-bashing bender and needs some fresh meat for the Pajamaline Junior Wurlitzer, Johnson bravely takes on Rachel Corrie yet again and commands the Lizardoid Minions, yet again, to put the boots in. They compete for most vile:
#31 solomonpanting 3/27/2006 06:45PM PST
They say that Rachel Corrie
Was a useful idiot
Who ventured off the Palystan
To spew her sicko sh*t
With her twisted words of logic
On her head she wore a rag
And she brought a book of matches
And she burned the US flag
But I...I...I
I ponder why..y...y
She sided with the terrorists
Among the worst in the world
And stepped in front of a D-9
And became
Pancake Girl!
(Apologies to Paul Simon)
#36 Cato the Elder 3/27/2006 06:46PM PST
Islam, the Religion of Pigshit.
Islam, the Religion of Donkeyfuckers.
Islam, the Religion of Splodeydopes.
Islam, the Religion of No Music.
Islam, the Religion of Doglessness.
Islam, the Religion of No Return.
Ecrasez l'Islam.
#49 Cato the Elder 3/27/2006 06:57PM PST
How about another parody?
The say that Rachel Corrie
Did one half of this whole town
With po-lit-ick-al connections
To spread her snatch around.
Born into moonbattery
An eedjit's only child
She had everything a twat could want:
Acne, herpes, snide.
[more to come]
#18 looking closely
I don't know about songs, but when St. Pancake won idiotarian of the year-that thread was one of the funniest ones EVER on LGF. Ever, ever, ever...
#78 Obi-wan 3/27/2006 07:14PM PST
One should always speak good of the dead.
Rachel Corrie is dead.
53 writermom
Shall I compare thee to a pancake, say?
Thou art much smoother and more planate:
Bull-dozed, thou lookest like a tray,
Or like a crazed and broken Pali plate...
Blah blah blah..
But thy eternal flatness shall not rise,
Despite the howls of moonbat obsession
for shaheeds only you're now a prize,
leaving naught behind but shallow depression.
So long as good men breathe, and eyes can see,
So long lives freedom, and this quite squashes thee.
#94 [deleted] 3/27/2006 07:26PM PST
#95 freedomplow 3/27/2006 07:27PM PST
Thanks Charles the BDS force was strong with that one.
#102 savage_nation 3/27/2006 07:29PM PST
Here's my lyrics for the flat one...
You take great pride in never having lived up to anything
Lie, steal, cheat, and kill, a real bad guy
Your daddy is a wino, and your mommy is quite insane
From altar boy to sewer rat, you don't give a damn
Your sister's a junkie, get "it" anyway she can
Your brother's a gay singer in a stud leather band
Your girlfriend's got herpes to go with your help and aids
There ain't one person you know you ain't rip off yet
Look deep in the mirror, look deep into its eyes
Your face is replaced, a creature you despise
But I know what you're made of, it ain't much I'm afraid
I know you'll be lying until your dying day
Make up your stories, but truth's so hard to say
Brain is numb and your tongue will surely did you grave
Your mind is sickly from Alzheimer's disease
And decadence and debauchery killed your memories
You're a liar, liar, liar, everyone can see
Liar, liar, liar, it's all you'll ever be
Liar, liar, liar, it's what you mean to me
Liar, liar, liar ...
Start trouble, spread pain
Piss and venom in your veins
Talk nasty, breathe fire
Smell rotten you're liar
Sweat liquor, breathe snot
Eat garbage, spit blood
Diseased, health hazard
Scum bag, filthy bastard
Grease face, teeth decay
Hair matted, drunk all day
Abscessed, sunken veins
Rot gut, scrambled brain
Steal money, crash cars
Rob jewelry, hock guitars
Rot in hell, it's time you know
To your master, off you go
You're a liar
A fucking liar
Filthy liar
You fucking liar
Dave Mustaine can write!
Change guy to girl and thats the bitch Corrie for ya....
#109 Cato
Good for you, Savage.
Aww, thanks! I can't think of a better song that describes the whore of Satan.
#122 The Drizzle 3/27/2006 07:41PM PST
to the gilligans island tune:
-sit right back and youll hear a tale
-a tell of a dimwit twit
-who stood before a jew D-9
-and got smashed flat as shit
-her dad was a mighty white-guilt man
-her mom 'shamed of her race
-they told her that to hate the jew
-was her only saving grace
-then Rachel started getting tough
-and burned her countrys flag
-til forward moved the semite cat'
-and squashed that dhimmi hag
-no phone no lights
-no motor car
-not a single luxury
-without the jews they'd still live like
-the 13th century
-so wait until this time next year
-we'll hear of her again
-ole' Rachel Corrie R.I.P
-the terrorists best friend.
#138 savage_nation 3/27/2006 07:50PM PST
If I end up in Hell, I want to be the one to torment Rachel Corrie until the end of time.
#186 religion of bacon 3/27/2006 08:52PM PST
Someone really ought to do a remix of that "song," with added bulldozer noises and screams, and maybe bits of an IHOP commercial thrown in for good measure.
Let's be very clear about something: Johnson reads comments in real-time. As referenced above (BDS comment) he will delete anything anti-Bush within minutes.
He read and approved every word quoted here. This is the viewpoint of Johnson, Little Green Footballs and Pajamas Media, weasel disclaimers aside.
Johnson's "Lizardoid Minions" are loathsome themselves, but they are mere proxies of Johnson. He provokes and guides every moment of Lizard "outrage" with assiduous cut-n-pasting, his "creative" limits strained with babytalk words for those they hate ("idiotarians", etc).
Those who gifted Johnson and Roger Simon with millions to "catapult the propaganda" need to be closely associated with the product they've bought and paid for.
Aubrey Chernick and friends, time to take a look at you.