In this heartbreaking post from Lizardoid "justdanny", the former Bushie loyalist writes of his shattered dreams and sense of betrayal:
I'm no longer a President Bush supporter
Heres a copy of an email I just sent to the White House.
Mr President
I have fought for you tooth and nail untill now. But following your support for the government of UAE to own and operate our ports, I can no longer support you.
In this war on terror, you have just set us back further than any gains we have made up till now.
While I supported you I was a proud boisterous supporter. Now I feel betrayed and sickened. You hand the keys to our country to the as sick brother of our enemy. Hundreds of thousands if not hundreds of millions will suffer for this error you have made.
You gave the keys to the equally deranged brother of our enemy, and for this I can no longer support you as my President.
You cant undo this Sir. Its symbolic of something about you that I can no longer trust. And my heart is absolutley broken.
You were my first President. The first person for whom I ever voted. I have a feeling you dont care about those like me who have fought tooth and nail to support you. I think now you will try to shame us into accepting and supporting this horrible decision. It wont work Sir, we are running away from you at a speed much greater than the power you have to explain this one away.
I would ask you to reverse your decision to sell our ports to our enemy, but I doubt you would listen.
Danny [redacted]
Lexington Kentucky
My President is not the friend of Americas enemies
It's a brave first step back to the reality-based community. Congratulations "justdanny"!
UPDATE: This post has been "scrubbed" from justdanny's
blog. Clearly, he stepped over the line in speaking so badly of The Commander and was in danger of being banned from LGF by Charles, who brooks no disrepect. Banning would be intolerable for justdanny, who has sewn LGF patches on all his clothes.
POP QUIZ: What do minion "Iron Fist" and Vice-President Cheney have in common? (Apart from being torture enthusiasts).
UPDATE 2: Welcome,
people from Atrios! UPDATE 3: justdanny's now-scrubbed letter to The Commander is cached
here. Thanks to reader P.S. for the link.
UPDATE 4: Justdanny has asked us (via comments) to conceal his identity. We're more than happy to oblige.
UPDATE 5: Welcome to the folks coming over from
Crooks & Liars!
Update 6: Reader SC has kindly taken a snapshop (see right) of the cached post, lest Google ever scrub it too. After all, this document could be regarded by future historians as crucial historic evidence of the minions turning against their leader!
UPDATE 7: Welcome visitors from
Cursor.org, hope your stay is a pleasant one.
UPDATE 8: Roll up, roll up! Plenty more blogs are lining up to laugh at justdanny and his 'first President' post. You'll all get your turn, stand in line....