Little Green Footballs

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Squeaky and "The Hat" Slapdown

Yesterday, Charles "Squeaky" Johnson posted this:

  • Daily Kos Nutroots Manifesto Stiffs
  • According to Drudge Report (based on Nielsen Bookscan figures) Markos Moulitsas “Screw Them” Zuniga’s magnum opus, the turgid, unreadable work of progressive sci-fi Crashing the Gate, has sold a whopping 3,630 copies. (Hat tip: Chris.)
And on his turgid site, Roger "The Hat" Simon parroted the Drudge falsehood.

Today, Glenn Grenwald administers a stinging slapdown and analysis of the defective thought processes of Bush cultists:
"There are so many data holes and misleading omissions in this item that it is literally and wholly useless in determining whether the book is a success. I want to emphasize that what matters here is not whether the book really is a success (I have no idea if it is or isn't), but how the baseless Drudge assertion became gospel fact among Bush followers, a distorted and corrupt process which generally governs how they come to think about the world with regard to virtually every issue."
But really, read the whole thing.


1 comment:

Bobby Dazzler said...

You'd think they'd be a little more careful taking the piss, considering they've got a multi-million dollar media 'empire' no-one's reading. So much so Michelle Malkin seems to have set up her own version of Pajamas Media!