Little Green Footballs

Saturday, March 08, 2008

On shutting down comments

Charles is now sneering at the Huffington Post for closing their comments section on a post concerning Margaret Thatcher:

Margaret Thatcher was admitted to a hospital yesterday for observation, but she’s apparently fine and was released today.

At Arianna Huffington’s left-wing hate site, they had to close comments on their post about it, of course, because they know that a deluge of mean-spirited vitriol would ensue: Former British PM Thatcher in Hospital - The Huffington Post.
So what's wrong here? Even if we assume that mean-spirited vitriol would ensue (could it get worse than a certain blog we've all heard about?), common sense tells us that it's nothing short of wise to shut out the alleged onslaught of hatred.

This all is naturally very amusing, as LGF - certainly not notorious for being a major internet centre for willful collective stupidity - has seen many incidents of deletion-worthy comments appearing in droves. The lizard king has barely done anything to prevent all of that, and in some incidents even defended it tooth-and-nail against any action taken against it.

So Chuckie, if you want to remove a couple of the many reasons why LGF Watch exists, you might as well take Huffington Post as an example and follow suit.

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