Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hot Air

"Dear LGFWatch," writes reader DS, "I was very impressed by the RCP's recent propaganda piece TV documentary debunking global warming theory, and was wondering whether you might have a picture to illustrate other environmental myths. For example, a picture of two allegedly extinct species (such as the dinosaur and the dodo) very much alive and sharing cocktails in a Manhattan bar..."


Donnie McDaniel said...

Bwahaha!! Love the pic!

Unknown said...

God, he's hideous. I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to marry this ghoulish freak. Well, maybe Zombie. I'm sure she'd love to have his retarded children.

I can't remember the last time I've actually made fun of someone because of the way they look, but what the hell, he deserves it.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I get it

BTW- I noticed that LGF has been down for a little while today.

Anonymous said...

It continues to amaze me Johnson let that picture be taken. And who wears jeans and a T-shirt to an event like that?

Anonymous said...

Johnson isn't necessarily ugly, just a non-descript overweight middle-aged pasty faced white guy.

It's not his physical appearence but the fact that he's an apologist for ethnic cleansing and gutter orientalism that makes him so repellent.

It's the ugliness on the inside that counts.

Anonymous said...

LOL, a cyclist with a stomach like that.

Anonymous said...

a US Muslim employed at Target who won't ring up pork products for customers.

Jesus who cares.

Call me when Chuckie starts talking about the many, many born again Christian clerks at Walmart who won't fill birth control prescriptions.

Oh right, they're white so it doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

Well the issue is that pork doesn't require a prescription. I can buy it just about anywhere.

(Who the hell buys pork at Target anyway?)

On the other hand, fundamentalist Christians refusing to fill birth control prescriptions is a very serious issue since not everybody lives in New York. In some small towns the only place you can get those prescriptions filled is in the local Walmart. If some wingnut Xtian is the pharmacist, then where are you going to go?

But Chuckie would never be interested in that, would he?

Njegos said...

BTW, is that a pic of Chuckles in the upper left hand corner (with the Iraqi flag)? If so then he is unquestionably UGLY or "laid a faire peur" comme l'on dit dans la langue de cheese-eating surrender monkeys.

A bientot.

Njegos said...

Sorry, I meant right hand corner. How on earth could I imagine Chuckles being to the left of anything??!?!!

Njegos said...

But it's not a hate site, right?

Anonymous said...

No, they are well argued types, not like us raving lefty, islamo-stalker types

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

LOL, a cyclist with a stomach like that."

Was just thinking the same thing. Roadwork whips your ass into shape...'course you actually have to be out there on the road.

Guess licking the cheeto dust off your fingers while typing another screed to demonize a billion plus people doesn't give quite the same cardio benefit...

Anonymous said...

That's our Charles.

Odd though: He lives in California, but has the skin tone of an Alaskan.

But then again, when was the last time you've seen a conspiracy theorist with a tan?