Little Green Footballs

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Free Kareem


eBay said...

you do know that this guy is in jail because he criticizes the "Religion of Peace"

Don't you find it ironic that you celebrate a guy that basically does the same thing as Charles?

"Despite my later absolute opposition to Al-Azhar and religious thought, and despite my fiercely critical writing on religion’s infiltration into public life, and religion’s control over people’s behavior and their relations with others..."

-Abdelkareem Nabil Suleiman

But I guess the owner of this site didn't know that since a Arab couldn't possibly be critical of Islam could he? (wait, it seems the Arab world at large does ignore atrocities in the name of Islam....cartoons on the other hand deserve mass marches and additional murder)

Anonymous said...

This scum should be executed for insulting Islam.