Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pajamas Media's "Lizards" Celebrate UN Deaths

#18 RadicalRon 7/25/2006 06:08PM PDT
Maybe a couple of more UN observation posts getting blown to hell would be appropriate.

#25 mbruce 7/25/2006 06:12PM PDT
The blue helmets of death, like I said a few posts back,the UN is on the side of the enemy,why do we allow them to stink up our soil?

#48 goodbye_natalie 7/25/2006 06:26PM PDT
Seems to me that road would be a perfect place to drop a little test run of Israel's newly acquired Bunker Busters.

#56 SlothB77 7/25/2006 06:33PM PDT
and the UN wonders why the peacekeepers get accidentally hit when Israel goes after Hezbollah. I know 4 UN peacekeepers who
will no longer be building roads for Hezbollah.

#2 400lb gorilla 7/25/2006 05:06PM PDT
Kofi the CHOAD

#20 RadicalRon 7/25/2006 05:14PM PDT
Too bad Kofi wasn't there, too.

24 Pro-Bush Canuck 7/25/2006 05:16PM PDT
Annan Says Israel Attacked UN Post Deliberately
Yah. *snort* If only!

#29 big L 7/25/2006 05:17PM PD
a brush-back pitch from the let the skanks know that kidnapping assistance from the UN and the Red Cross meat wagons full of RPGs are definitely standing to close to home plate.

#38 baldylox 7/25/2006 05:23PM PDT
I know it sounds a bit harsh, but I wish that it were deliberate, and that Israel came right out and said so.

#39 sms111 7/25/2006 05:23PM PDT
Dear Mr. Annan,

40 Catttt 7/25/2006 05:25PM PDT
War is hell, Mr. Annan. You get that?
Me, I'm shocked at the UN peacekeepers who damaged their penises after trying to fuck goats.

#41 WrathofG-d 7/25/2006 05:25PM PDT
baldy lox:
you think the UN should be attacked?
Their main office is in New York. Just look for the silly building with lots of flags in front of it.

#57 ted 7/25/2006 05:33PM PDT
4 Less child molesters in the world...

#70 goodbye_natalie 7/25/2006 05:44PM PDT
I'd be laughing my ass off if somebody launched one right in Kofi's office while he was groping his secretary.

#80 ronnie 7/25/2006 05:50PM PDT
Kofi Annan (or Monkey in Hebrew ;-) is a filthy anti-Semite - there is no doubt about that.

94 RTLM 7/25/2006 06:05PM PDT
4 less UN terrorist collaborators.
Good Job IDF

#97 Sam I Am 7/25/2006 06:13PM PDT
Can we do the same thing to the UN presence in New York City?
Just wondering...


Blob said...

I wish those self-righteous, hypocritical right-wing bloggers had been killed instead.

James Waterton said...

I wish those self-righteous, hypocritical right-wing bloggers had been killed instead.

So you're pretty much as bad as them, eh, Neil? Might be time to buy some perspective.

James Waterton said...

Winston - or maybe you have your lunatics, as LGF has theirs. Time for us all to clamber down off our high horses.

Bobby Dazzler said...


Nice try. Neil is a first time poster, so 'we' don't have our 'lunatics'. LGF posters post hundreds of posts a day, all almost identically insane. There is no comparison. Winston's suggestion that he may be a 'moby' is a good call.

James Waterton said...

Yes, yes, MJ. It doesn't surprise me that you think the other side is crazy. Guess what? They think you're nuts, too!

You, my friend, would also benefit greatly from a little perspective, just like ol' Neil above.


Bobby Dazzler said...

"You, my friend, would also benefit greatly from a little perspective, just like ol' Neil above."

So says the man making comparisons between a first time poster here (who may well be a 'moby') and the thousands of insane comments posted on LGF at any one time.

Perspective would be to draw comparison between say Daily Kos and LGF. Get a grip.

Bobby Dazzler said...


Nobody here is. The comments in the post were made at