Little Green Footballs

Monday, September 12, 2005


Blogger HST comments on the Gaza Pull Out and makes this fantastic point about LGF'ers and will make their tiny minds spin. He/She is an Iraqi-Assyrian American progressive who is very pro-Israel......and a Democrat.

The whack-a-doos at LGF will tell you wanting Israel to pull out of parts of what is called "Palestinian" land is being an anti-Semite--which is ridiculous, of course, considering a majority of Israelis in Israel often want to take a softer approach to the Palestinian question. Should Israel be pulling out of Gaza? I don't know. If that is what Israelis in Israel want to do, I guess. I'm not an Israeli citizen. If it will reduce the slaughter is Israeli women and children without compromising Israel's future security, go ahead. Luckily, smarter people than me make that decision.

Nevertheless, America's support of Israel should never waver, so long as it is a democracy, and so long as its women and children are randomly targeted for killing.

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