Little Green Footballs

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

LGF: murdering journalists is good

We've long known that Charles has a pretty fascistic attitude towards journalism: those who support Bush/the War on Terror/Israel are good, those who oppose Bush/the War on Terror/Israel are bad. Charles does not acknowledge that the overwheling majority of journalists do not hold such black-and-white positions, that they see their job as accurately reporting the world not judging it (unlike Charles...), and that they are a diverse and often contradictory bunch who cannot be attributed cardbord cut-out agendas the way Charles and the Lizard Crew would like to.

Is it any wonder, then, that CJ and the Gang regularly make death threats against journalists who have fallen from their grace? Take the example of New Orleans, where Charles suggests that it would be a good idea to summarily execute those who take pictures of the dead being recovered ( Why? Because in Charles' eyes they are damaging the great leader's reputation by showing it how it is.

Or take this example, in which the Lizards react to the news that respected solo war correspondent Kevin Sites has been hired by Yahoo (

#2 effoff 9/12/2005 08:25AM PDT

Another tool of the left. He should have been shot shortly after the terrorist.

#13 Ward Cleaver 9/12/2005 08:34AM PDT

Note to Kevin:

If you're ever in Fallujah again, watch out for those stray bullets!

/just a friendly warning (not)

Since when, exactly, have death threats and death wishes been part of serene, courageous, honest and wise debate, Charles?

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