Little Green Footballs

Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday Freedom Pic

Banksy goes on holiday


Author "B" said...

We know you can not grasp this, but we will try anyway. It is not a wall, it is a fence. The walled sections are a small part of this fence and are there to prevent the palis from sniping between buildings.
The Israelis are too gentle. We would draw a line in the sand, fuck with us and die. Being UK commies you would not understand anything that requires balls. Winston C. must be rolling in his grave.

Author "B" said...

OTOH- we are not art critics, but the pictures are nice, if misplaced.

Author "B" said...

A silly-ass tacky mosque and centuries of islamic bullshit.
Do you have your prayer rug yet? It seems to us that you must be used to having your ass in the air like that.

We do not claim Winnie for ourselves. We are sure he disowns you, if you are a Brit.

You need to study actual history, not moslem lies & bullshit claims. You can actually get some of this history from the UN if you dig deep enough.

dawud al-gharib said...

clarification, Chester: Peace loves me, I just like to be with peaceful people, and occasionally read blogs and articles about war, while keeping a comfortable distance.

This differs from the LGF crowd in one major factor: I don't have an enthusiasm for blowing up civilians [IDF, al-Qa'ida, the US Army, LGF]; have a morbid fascination with corpses and dead American girls [Rachel Corrie, may she rest in peace]; nor a 'martyr cult' to rival Hamas & Hizbollah [no comment, but read LGF]

otherwise, I try to adhere to Islam in belief and practice: and no part of my belief system requires me to kill civilians, though I'm given to understanding that some people interpret Islam that way [Osama, Pablo, and their ilk]

Pablo said...

otherwise, I try to adhere to Islam in belief and practice:

And you reject radicals like Irshad Manji and Ayaaan Hirsi Ali, right?

dawud al-gharib said...

'radical' implies someone who leaves the norms of the community; Ayaan Ali and Irshad Manji both chose to leave their own communities, and had no involvement (Ayaan from the Somali Muslim community, Irshad from the ex-pat Shi'a muslim community in Toronto) - and both have sharp criticisms of their communities - one might note, based on painful personal experiences with their families extrapolated to the wider community.

one might also note, as one jewish friend in canada did, that if a jewish woman had left her family, become a lesbian, and written a book entitled 'the problem with Judaism' (or 'the problem with Jews') - she would likely not be accepted, and the Jewish community would see any muslim endorsement as spurious and crude.

what are your enlightened views, o pablo? we'll remember that you've consistently shown that you don't known a from b about Islam, Shar'iah, or muslim women, culture, and society...