Little Green Footballs

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Zombie's Deja Vu

The attacks on Mumbai have generated plenty of emotions, but some can only be best expressed by Zombie at LGF who seems to be having some sort of Islamo-hating re-meltdown:

The Anger:

2 zombie 11/28/08 11:07:32 pm reply quote 8

I'm just so angry about this Mumbai terror attack that I am beyond words.

It's like 9/11 all over again, emotion-wise.
3 zombie 11/28/08 11:09:18 pm reply quote 0

Steam is coming out of my ears.

The Paranoia:
42 zombie 11/28/08 11:24:40 pm reply quote 5

Also, I happened to walk by a mosque today in San Francisco just as it was letting out after Friday prayers. You never saw so many smiles and elated people in your life. They weren't exactly high-fiving each other on the sidewalk, but close; everybody had a big grin and they looked like they were on top of the world.

I can just imagine what the imam said in the sermon.

That only exacerbated my bad mood.

The understanding of another

288 Crusty 11/29/08 4:41:40 am reply quote 0

re: #2 zombie

I'm just so angry about this Mumbai terror attack that I am beyond words.

It's like 9/11 all over again, emotion-wise.

Humanity is supposed to learn from history to keep it from repeating it. But when I see people all over the world who, in the War of Terror, spend all their energy opposing and protesting the US & her allies and not saying one bad word about the terrorists, I know that humanity hasn't learned a damned thing from history.

We are therefore doomed to repeat it.

WWII begat the Gulf Wars, 9/11 begat Mumbai, Madrid, London and, under 4 years of Mr. Radical Chic from Hyde Park, who knows how many other cities.

So, anyone else think Chen threw him over the edge?

Update: And here it is, the spreading to other lizards of one's murderous intent:

38 Paul 11/29/08 6:45:01 pm reply quote 12

This is no surprise, no extra horror. They've never spared women and children. In their demented minds, I'm sure the murder of women and children "proves" their commitment to holy war. This time they even invaded hospitals and murdered the sick and helpless.

It's now very simple, we kill them before they kill us.

There you go, head on over with your laptop and let the virtual shootout begin.


Anonymous said...

Zombie at LGF who seems to be having some sort of Islamo-hating re-meltdown

Well, at least it might keep him from photographing gay men having public sex for a while.

The Sphinx said...

Also, I happened to walk by a mosque today in San Francisco just as it was letting out after Friday prayers. You never saw so many smiles and elated people in your life. They weren't exactly high-fiving each other on the sidewalk, but close; everybody had a big grin and they looked like they were on top of the world.

I can just imagine what the imam said in the sermon."


Whoever has an idea about the Muslim community would scoff at this trash. It doesn't dawn to the undead clown that Muslims generally tend to be rather cheerful people, and large gatherings are practically always dominated by smiles and lively chit-chats about anything and everything.

And just a few comments before:


"Adding to my anger is seeing some of today's newspapers -- nary a word of this story on the front page of some of them."


First it's: "z0mg, nobody gets to know!!1!" and then "Ooh, those sneaky moo-slimbs are all happy.. They're all part of it..".

How about a bit of coherence?a

Kiddo said...

But Sphinx, LGF has been trying to look like a less hateful site. Now that Mumbai has been attacked the comments about Moooooooslims can run free again. Including random anger at completely innocent praying Muslims in San Francisco. How dare they have been smiling!!

Kiddo said...

And now Sharmuta:
2 Sharmuta 11/29/08 6:31:45 pm reply quote 27

Of course they didn't spare women and children- they treat their own like dogs, why would they be any kinder to those of the infidels'?

(the "The Didn't Spare Women or Children" thread)

The Sphinx said...

Here's a guy who for strange reasons hasn't gotten himself banned yet.

#426 Dublin(CA)Dude

I'm sorry, but I'm longer convinced that any muslim (I hereby refuse to capitalize that word) is worth anything more than a pile of pig shi*t. Actually, pig shi*t is pretty good fertilizer. I fighting hard here not to get myself banned.

I used to believe that there were some decent muslims, but I can no longer believe that. In my own personal life, I will no longer deal with, tolerate or in any way be polite to a muslim. I have simply come to the conclusion that they are unredemmable. I will spit evertime I see one. They took my brother, enough is enough. Force must be met with force, there can be no compromise.

I seeth with hatred for them all right now.


Followup in #735, and this time not deleted (and even rated up):

"The word muslim is no longer worthy of capitalization. It is the equivalent of sh*t."

And #762, which still stands..

"I'm afraid Charles will ban me for these politically incorrect thoughts, but I simply cannot accept them any longer. I don't want them anywhere near me, I don't want to have to check out at Wal Mart with a burkaded clerk, all I can think of doing when I see one is spitting at their feet. This is hatred, and frankly, condemn me all you want, but I damn everyone of them to Hell."

.. #774

"No, I used to live in the Bay Area, now I'm in Virginia. It's actually worse here than back in California. I just want to rip those damn headrags off them all and make them realize this is America, and they will not take it over."

The guy says to have lost his brother on 9/11. Well man, my deep condolences for your loss, but seriously.. Screw you.

Kiddo said...

Whatever will Charles do with his simmering lizard hordes all full of such hatred? Back to the old model I suppose? He has only been deleting and banning up to a point.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good. I hope now Zombie understands just how much he disgusts me with his cheerleading for the terrorists who murdered my countrymen at the King David Hotel. Zombie and Charles Johnson are on record for that at LGF.


Anonymous said...

>I will spit evertime I see one.

If I held a group of people responsible every time I lost a family member I wouldn't have much spit left in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

"The guy says to have lost his brother on 9/11. Well man, my deep condolences for your loss"

Considering LGF's track record with 9/11 fantasists and other billy liars.....I'll reserve judgement

The Sphinx said...

@anon 11:13,

I'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt. But that's all he's getting from me.

Kiddo said...

Um, yeah, same with me. Needless to say, it seems that the latent hatred Charles has been trying to reign in is no longer going to be kept under wraps.

V said...

Oddly enough, I was also in the vicinity of a mosque in San Francisco on Friday afternoon, right after prayers -- my motorcycle was having a new tire fitted at a nearby shop, and my friend and I had lunch at a restaurant just two doors down from the mosque. I don't recall the crowd being exceptionally jovial, but maybe that's because I have a reasonably sunny disposition most of the time and am not automatically predisposed to infer the worst every time I see a dusky person in a good mood.

I suppose I should try going back there for lunch next Friday to see if the crowd's demeanor is any different. Perhaps Zombie would like to join me.

Anonymous said...

1) Friday prayers for Muslims in America are always a festive occasion, since it's usually the only day of the week you get to see friends and family from your local ethnic community there. Africans, South Asians, Arabs, etc.. After prayer people you typically see people greeting each other, smiling, laughing, having a good time... every Friday.

2) You'd be hard-pressed to find an imam in America who verbally supported the attacks to his congregation. They'd report him. I'd report him. It's unacceptable. I was at Friday services last week. The imam vigorously condemned the attacks, lamented the loss of life in Mumbai, and told us that he had relations in the city who were hurt in the attacks. After that, another community leader who was giving an announcement reiterated that feeling. (Both were South Asian).

Kiddo said...

Mahmoud, I just wish you could tell that to the LGFers. Or the LGF IIers. Thanks for posting here at least;)