Little Green Footballs

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Video Killed The Blogging Star

Could this be the most hypocritical piece of crap ever recorded and put out on the internet?

What next?

Perhaps a chat with Debbie Schlussel discussing bigotry and racism?


Anonymous said...

Funny how Chuckles claims that he wants feedback when he restricts registration and routinely bans and blocks people on his own web site.

Anonymous said...

Look how he shakes his leg, like an 8-years old kid waiting for his meal.

sorry that's all what I can get from this video, waste of time, because he makes no-sense, remembering how he is the most pro-censorship asshat, I can't listen to him.

Kiddo said...

OMG...he actually said "the lizard army"...

What'd he do, bike on over there? He looks like he rolled out of bed. No PJM pun intended.

Anonymous said...

That was painful. I could only watch a few minutes. Some gems:
* CJ looks straight at the camera to say he wants feedback from "you out there". Only hitch is that he's looking at the wrong camera and points off into space.
* CJ complains about journalism students being encouraged to "expose somebody" or "pull some secret program out and show it to the people". So, no investigations in his brave new unbiased media I guess.

ChenZhen said...

Aw c'mon now M.J. That's not fair. They've got Zombie!

You know, Zombie, boldly and shamelessly going after the remaining gravel at the bottom of American society; the lunatics, the paranoids, the idiots... The purely objective art of hitting them a subconscious level.

Kiddo said...

Anon, I did love that wrong camera moment. Brilliant. The title of this post really says it all.

Anonymous said...

Shorter version for those who can't view the video: here.