Little Green Footballs

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Charles on Pastor Rick Warren

Well, while the left jumps all over Obama's choice of Pastor Rick Warren to give a prayer at his inauguration for Warren's more conservative views, Charles Johnson takes a different angle. The Muslim angle. Then the "creationist" angle. Then any angle he can find to milk this story for more posts. Quoting this article Charles posts:

"Warren, like many Muslims, opposes abortion and same-sex marriage."

Although the article doesn’t mention it, Warren has another thing in common with fundamentalist Muslims: a belief in young earth creationism.

ZING! You've got him now, Charles! Now go in for the kill:

Christopher Hitchens seems a bit disappointed to find Barack Obama engaging in the same sort of pandering that caused Hitchens to bail out on John McCain: If we must have an officiating priest at the inauguration, we can do much better than Rick Warren.

Wait, Sharmuta agreeing isn't enough for the kill? OK, try again:
Saddleback Church Deletes Page on Creationism and Homosexuality?

Religion | Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:58:43 pm PST

Rick Warren, the Saddleback Church pastor chosen by Barack Obama to deliver the invocation at the presidential inauguration, has been getting a lot of media attention because he’s a very vocal opponent of gay marriage. Panda’s Thumb points out that Warren is also a creationist: Creationist to Give Invocation at Inauguration.

Oddly enough, the FAQ page at the Saddleback Church that contained their policy statements on dinosaurs, evolution, and homosexuality (among other subjects) has suddenly been wiped clean: Saddleback Church: Small Group Information.

But Google’s cache has a copy as it appeared on December 16, 2008.

I'll admit, this last one (posted at 3:58 PM, 22 December) does sort of prove the point with the "dinosaurs" theory and all, but is it another Rathergate or simply another Ron Paul obsession? I'm thinking Ron Paul since the next post is at 7:05 PM:

Video: Jackie and Dunlap on Rick Warren

Video | Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 7:05:16 pm PST

Come Tuesday Charles catches now bedragled Pastor Warren "reaching out" to another Muslim group:

Politics | Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 9:17:27 pm PST

When Pastor Rick Warren’s “Global Peace Coalition” presented President Bush with the International Medal of Peace recently, one of the groups invited to attend the ceremony was the Islamic Society of North America—one of the unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas funding trial: ISNA ATTENDS SADDLEBACK CHURCH CIVIL FORUM ON GLOBAL HEALTH.

This event took place after the of the Holy Land Foundation defendants.

See? Pastor Warren is for Creationism and Islam! Bad! But wait, Charles has yet another weird link for us:
God Will Punish Rick Warren

This was said by a "Baptist Pastor/Nirther" and as for poor ol' Chuckles:

God was unavailable for comment.

Well, for anyone sick of the incessant mainstream media coverage of outrage over Pastor Rick Warren, this has been a report on the Charles Johnson outrage over Pastor Rick Warren. Signing off, this has been Lex, and a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Jolly etc. to everyone.


Anonymous said...

Rick Warren was on right-wing talk radio (redundancy, i know) a while ago. "government" he said "was put on earth" by God "to punish evildoers".

Anonymous said...

That was simply hilarious! When I got to the end I was sad you only had one comment, so I decided to commend your humorous presentation of this series of posts.

but is it another Rathergate or simply another Ron Paul obsession? I'm thinking Ron Paul since the next post is at 7:05 PM:

Literally LOL.

V said...

Um... thanks. I think.

Lex -- correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe your point was that the frequency of CJ's posts on Warren is reminiscent of the obsession he once had over Ron Paul.

Ev -- correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you may have missed the point described above. It's far too easy for me to infer that the website formerly known as LGF Watch Watch is, like, not really our friend. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ev -- correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you may have missed the point described above.
I think you're missing the point, which is that I read your post, thought it was funny, and decided to thank you with a compliment. Good grief.
It's far too easy for me to infer that the website formerly known as LGF Watch Watch is, like, not really our friend. ;)