Charlie Johnson is throwing somewhat of a fit over the cock-and-bull stories of Barack Obama's "Nirth Certifikit", etc. More developments covered here. However, in his whole frenzy to scrape off the slime from himself for helping promote the story in the first place (, he has probably failed to notice that Vandals have desecrated French Musl.. I mean youths' graves, just in time for Eid el Adha.
That, or he doesn't give a crap. Or he's afraid to lose his large Islamophobic donor base readership, shortly after having alienating creationists, right-wing fascists and Bobby Spencer.
Anyway between the thread mentioned above when Chuckles was still wallowing in his own juvenile "Nirth Certifikit Troofer" days and the present, there have been some interesting developments in the mindset of his sycophantic worshipers. For example..
#29 Sharmuta
Come on, Barry! What's the big deal? It's only a birth certificate.
What's with the hiding?
And then:
#1 Sharmuta
I hope when others come across such links they'll use the report function and help Charles and Stinky keep the joint nice and kook-free.
Some other gems found on the same thread:
#5 warnergt
Sounds like censorship to me.
A rating of -32 for that one! To which the lizard tyrant responded:
#17 Charles
re: #5 warnergt
That's because you don't understand the meaning of the word "censorship."
You do not have a right to post anything you like at LGF. Period. If that's not to your liking, go and post somewhere else.
And finally someone just had to say it:
#15 Sharmuta
Uh- no. This is private property. Free speech rights don't apply.
Glad we got that one settled. All other comments raining down on warnergt proved one thing: The lizard army thinks their deity is free to do whatever he wants on his own freaking blog, but don't actually deny that he can be seen as the biggest pro-censorship asshat of 2008.
Here's a great quote by Chuckles, remember he's just spent the last couple of months banning people for disagreeing with him, deleting all of their posts, censoring spin off links etc etc.
Appel clearly has no idea what happens at LGF, where we have more than 5,000 comments a day debating every topic under the sun from every viewpoint.Charles should really be a little bit more honest and add the words 'as long as I agree with them' to the end of that sentence.
Yhe gov link is wrong, there is an extra before it
Wow Sphinx, we were on the same wavelength this morning....ROFL. I was just headed here to post this one. I was interested to learn in this thread though of the origin of "nirth certifikit" being a typo at Atlas Shrugs. Ouch! For shame!
Lex, great minds think alike :) Or as they say in German: "Zwei Idioten, ein Gedanke" ;)
@1st Anon:
Thanks for the tip, have just fixed it.
Nice, I like the German version;)
428 Charles
6/09/08 9:38:18 pm reply quote 7
What? Are you seriously suggesting that it doesn't matter whether he's a citizen or not? Because without the birth certificate, there's no way to know for sure.
A US citizen's birth certificate contains NO sensitive personal information. What could possibly be Obama's reason for refusing to release it?
Charles should ban himself.
Beamish--I just updated and hat-tipped you. Thanks again. I got some nice screen caps too because he's bound to erase it now. Sharmuta was and still is in lockstep with her bicyclist love god. Loved her comments on that thread....ROFL.
Robotic, aren't they?
Charles actually gets called out a bit on his censorship by a few people there.
He doesn't take to well to it however. But you know the rules, do not piss off the person with the banning ability.
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