Little Green Footballs

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Johnson Theory of Creationism?

I'm a bit sick of the IDF site, so here's the cut & paste link:

This very brief post by Charles just struck me as more than enough to post on, as it is another typical example of Mr. Johnson's tendency to make a rather short post that seems almost neutral, even though he knows full well how his "lizards" will respond. Here it is, in full actually:

The National Center for Science Education is not amused by Ben Stein’s anti-evolution film Expelled, and they’ve devoted a web site to debunking what they say are the film’s dishonest claims: Expelled Exposed

I do not think that Charles Johnson began his blog career as a "creationist/anti-evolutionary biology" hack, but he is more than attuned at this point to those who follow his lead, and in this case the total on the comments is currently at 2,334. 2,334!

Now that's a long thread by LGF standards. So what's all the fuss about?

#93 zombie 4/20/08 2:22:01 pm reply quote report
Curse you Charles for starting this thread!

I was already overwhelmed with things to do today, and now you've got me caught up in this!

Yes, this is a touchy subject for some. I post this not to start a debate here on this subject, merely to point out that the comments are an endless venting of people very angry with "those lefties" who want to "throw out the Bible". Charles even weighs in, and quite frankly some of these comments rather prove the quotes Senator Obama recently came under about "small town America" as a great example of where these "bitter" folks congregate and vent. This is a bit odd for a group of people supposedly devoted to secularism and the banning of wait, just that one particular religion, otherwise they are quite content with their hypocrisy. I hope that these comments highlight this point well. That, and Charles knows his lizards well. Very well.


Anonymous said...

use to avoid IDF, I think it should work, but I didn't try it. just add before any url http:// for example

someone need to test it ,
I noticed that evolution thread, I think he wants people to comment more on his site without being accused of anything, because he does not state his opinion clear, while portraying himself as the wise man who knows it all.

Anonymous said...

It's my impression that Charles is socially liberal-- he holds views that would confuse, disappoint, and anger many of his readers, and he often finesses his approach to these topics:
* Evolution
* Them gays
* Gun control
* Abortion

Good thing that have their shared hatred of Muslims to bring this happy family together!

Anonymous said...

Having spent some time debating with Americans over at the Sean Hannity forums, the impression I was left with was that religion trumps science and rationality for many Right Wing Americans - ironically, a mirror imge of some of the Muslims that so many of them openly despised.

Watching American adults argue exactly why the Noahs Ark mythology is 100% fact was darkly amusing.

V said...

It's almost enough to make me feel sorry for Zombie.


The Sphinx said...

Check out this comment:


"re: #28 Sharmuta

'So is global warming and that has nothing to do with religion. In fact- global warming makes certain scientists look like a cult themselves.'

I see we are going to make this into a science-fest...

Scientists are fully capable of cult-thinking... like every other person.

However, man made/enhanced global warming is very well founded in basic science and is itself not "cult" like. The body of scientific knowledge accumulated over the last 5 centuries is what it is... an accumulation of observations and ever increasingly accurate theories."


The rating of this comment as of now? Minus 16. Denial is obviously a river in Lizardland.

Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting glimpse into the American psyche. A chart of international acceptance of evolution, by country:


Did Noah have room for two of every existing species (plant, animal, insect, microbe) on his ark? Did they all survive their time at sea? How big was the boat, and how big was the team of boat builders?

Kiddo said...

V--ROFLMAO--I know, I just had to include that!

Anons--Exactly why I posted this. He stays neutral, posts something little, very short, and then lets the lizards come on in/ But please, over 2,000 comments on a few words about a site debunking the Ben Stein movie? He knows his lizards well. You are so correct in that 1st comment. He doesn't state his opinion, just throws out a few sentences that might be found on any blog.

Rather, in fishing terminology when I was a kid, I was taught the technique of "chumming" the water. Any "landlubbers" who have seen JAWS know what I mean. Charles is bloody chumming the waters, no pun intended, and boy do the sharks circle!

Anon2--I think he's stuck, personally. That's been my stance for some time now. Not that he has been penitent for this headmaster position of his. I think his lizards would be a group for his own disdain were he to meet passing at a grocery even. Well, hence the post.

Kiddo said...

Sphinx--that comment is hilarious when compared to the ratings...HAHAH!! Some of the more vicious were rated in the 20s. Can you imagine? Eh, Sharmuta rated that far down, doesn't sadden me much. the rating system on here anywhere?

Anonymous said...

Look at this, I saw this on several right wing blogs and also from CJ:


"Democratic White House contender Barack Obama could not hide his irritation Monday when asked by a reporter what he thought about former president Jimmy Carter’s meeting with Hamas last week.

“Why can’t I just eat my waffle?” the Illinois senator said as he ate breakfast in Scranton, Pennsylvania, according to MSNBC television pictures. "


Ok now, the man has a right to have sometime off from politics, like eating, pissing, sleeping, do the lizards will complain about Bush if a reporter asks him a question about Hamas while he is pissing? We don't expect Bush would say "let me piss you a***ole"

Seriously these folks are idiots, Obama already answered the question about meeting the terrorist Hamas before Carter met them, how many times he had to repeat it, until the racist lizards will get it? Obama had more problems that bashing him on non-issues.

Anonymous said...

Check out this comment of the day on the penis-snatching thread:

#184 mommydoc 4/22/08 8:45:11 pm +3

Tim Blair had a post on this recently, I think, although it was in Sudan. For the person who questioned the relevance of this thread, just remember that these people are in an area being penetrated by islam (sorry, I just couldn't resist that one) and have these primitive and irrational beliefs. (There I go being all politically incorrect and ethnocentric.) But, as Tim Blair points out, these same primitives have access to cell phones and weapons. And it didn't take much more than box cutters to bring down 4 planes and 2 skyscrapers that took technology that these lunatics couldn't begin to understand.

I'm not so much worried about global warming as I am about the earth being taken over by these lunatics.


The witchcraft took place in Congo, Congo population 50% Christians, Muslims are 10%

Dumb lizards, but I like this comment:

"#26 pat 4/22/08 8:17:40 pm 0

I don't think I will be posting too many science links on this thread. Wrong audience.

Rating for the #184 comment is +3, the rating for $26 comment is 0, just shows the audience of LGF. good work Charles, how about you run KKK forum, you probably will keep the same folks?

Kiddo said...

I'd say so, yes, those "bitter" people? Found. They won't stop bashing Obama, are you kidding? Never. And I think that is correct that Charles has found himself (perhaps regretfully) running a forum for the very same folks who'd run off to any other racist forum. Seriously, has anyone here ever been in the "Lizard Lounge"? It's Guns & Ammo. Then more guns. Then more ammo. Then the borders; and how they can be controlled with ....guns & ammo. That's about it.

The thing I wonder about is whether or not Charles is really, really embarrassed about this in between ego boosts by his followers. As in when he's in public.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lex, I have seen screen captures of the lounge and I would expect that what they are talking about, beside getting drunk, and repeating old silly jokes, racial profiling, genocide ..etc I never had the gut for it anyway.

Look at another thread at LGF about how many referrals he got from Media Matters, I mean CJ is really arrogant and self-loving person in another word: idiot. There are ways to check traffic to other sites, and that is Alexa and other traffic tracking sites to see if Media Matters receive many visits or not, unless he believes in a worldwide liberal conspiracy against him by fooling Alexa and others?

One of the reasons that some people don't click on the link, they know about his cowardly IDF redirect, why click the link, copy and paste it, Charles will never know where did that person come, I do this not just to LGF but to several sites, to avoid setting a backlash especially from trolls like the ones on his site.

Another reason, people knows who he is, why have to click and see LGF, if you already know it is worthless site?

Another reason for him to get referrals from sites which he looks down at , like instapundit, is that visitors of instapundit are usually the same visitors of LGF, so get over it CJ.

I say he looks down at instapundit, because of the way he compares it, he is like saying "even that fool Instapundit gets more traffic than moonbats"

Congratulations CJ, you had a good job before 2001, seems terrorists, racists and your hatred made you choose a worthless and idiotic job, I'm sure your current lazy blogging work and company with brain challenged racists damaged your brain enough that you can't revive your old job , let's see if you ever try to be a politician, would these lizards help you? or would they call you a "not-real conservative" and a moonbat liberal? I know the answer is the latter, do you?

Anonymous said...

great find and good analysis on this lgf article. Charles really needs to wake up one day and think about why so many stupid people love his arguments about killing all the muslims.

Kiddo said...

Well, that is interesting. I know well of his snobbery as regards to LGF. I don't know what the heck the site was like prior to its focus on Muslims and its being taken over by some of the most loathsome commenters online. Heck, I didn't know much about LGF even once I HAD a blog.

About the Lounge though, I've gone in (as well as others here) waiting for racist or genocidal comments, but even when I asked once they said it was rare that the issues from the blog were discussed in "The Lounge". I'm sure there have been moments, and they have been screen captured (thank heavens), but it's more of a hang-out for what seemed like gun show fanatics. Don't get me wrong, I like guns myself, but am no expert and would get bored with endless debates about "Remington Vs. Winchester?".

Anonymous said...

Hey Lex:

I got a serious question though I must first do my solemn duty and insult the watch pack:

If you clowns think C.J. is racist and Obama and his cronies the 2nd coming of MLK after his association with the terrorist, slumlord, preacher man, and S.F. comments, you're even more blind than I first thought...

Now my question to Lex, Sphinx or anybody else here at the watch and in the know:

Do you guys/gals feel that Alexa counter accurate? The reason I ask is that it appears almost all of the most popular blogs are losing their audience.

I would guess that the proliferation of more personal blogs the reason but I don't know that for a fact.

Oh Lex, you are right about one thing (broken clock goes around twice). That Lounge at LGF was without doubt like watching grass grow.

Anonymous said...

Oh that wacky Other: when he's not threatening our whole way of life, he's running around superstitious that someone will cut his penis off!

I was surprised that thread followed so hot on the heels of the Ben Stein/evolution thread. Irony obviously isn't the lizards' strong point.

It was also curious that out of the entire article, Charles highlighted the word "alleged" in "alleged witchcraft". Apparently Charles believes the MSM is using weasel words to avoid condemning the very real witchcraft going on!

It was charming to see the lizards use their advanced CIA world fact book research skills to reassure themselves that 10% of the Congo is Muslim and therefore the whole shamozzle was no doubt caused by Muslims and they can rest easy that there is still only one homogenous group in the world capable of irrational acts.

Anonymous said...

Re: Tex Taylor,

I think everyone here has their own ideas, I myself think Rev. Wright is racist, though I cannot see if Obama is racist or not, there is no reason to believe he is a racist. Show me evidence that he is . Just because your preacher is a racist does not mean you are a racist, though it is bad and Obama should've strongly denounce his preacher, left his church, but that does not justify calling him racist.

Alexa is not accurate, and we know that , Alexa count visits by several means that does not include actual real count of visits because Alexa is not embedded into servers, it uses browser toolbars, and several other methods, but Alexa is more accurate than CJ judging other sites traffics, don't you agree? Read the FAQ on Alexa and you might get how Alexa works. CJ has no toolbars, no access to traffic analysis, only judges by nonsense, like how many referrals he gets.

Yes traffic goes up and down on many sites, but there is something real on CJ, his traffic chart shows constant decline, though he might get more traffic later if he posts some more hatred, it is not a big deal for us, it is big deal for CJ apparently. He is making it an issue and bragging about it, but as you may or may not know controversial sites, porn sites, hatred, terrorists sites get a lot of traffic. so? good traffic = good site? NO, that's the bottom line.

If CJ wants to know how people feel about him , let him open registration for all, and open comments for all like most blogs and news site, he does not, why? because he knows he is not popular only among handful minions from around the world. He is arrogant, can't stand someone call him idiot, but he has no problem calling anyone else idiot, even to his own lizards, they even can't criticize him only a little or those prominent lizards that gets him the news while he posts the too many open threads.

Anonymous said...

Another simple way to bypass the IDF re-direct is to copy and paste the LGF link in you're browsers address bar and remove these last characters at the end of the link: #rss-sm

Amina said...

it's brilliant hehehe

Kiddo said...

tex--how magnanimous of you. Re: the Alexa count, many bloggers acknowledge that a lot of their traffic comes from opponents. I know one right-wing blogger who claims "traffic driven by the left", so most aren't all that serious in their efforts to get rid of those who don't like their ideas coming to their sites. In Charles' case, he keeps registration closed and limited to his own system, so no one can participate unless he approves of them being there.

I don't like the more vocal LGFers' "this is Charles' living room" mantra, though most of their ideas aren't well thought out, rather "an echo chamber" as it is described by opponents over at Gates of Vienna. Regardless, with that war flaring back up, you can bet that plenty of LGF traffic in the last several days has come indeed from those who follow GoV rather than LGF, some of them hating Charles rather intensely, and certainly not leftists.

Anon3--those Hannity Forums are indeed amusing. Especially the "begging to be let back in threads" part. I have no intention to trade any allegiance to Fundamentalists here to (supposedly) escape religious law of the Muslim sort. Honestly! This is increasingly the way of it, but you're quite right. Mirror image, and not one I'd go running to for aid with this country. Alexander Hamilton described them well. Remember though, these are hardly all Americans, merely those who care to as well as have time to follow those Hannity threads. Or LGF.

Anonymous said...


I don't really blame Charles for keeping close tabs on registration. There's so many loons out there concerning controversial subjects such as the war, his site would quickly be overwhelmed. As it is, he's got too many posters for what the mechanics of his blog can handle. The performance is horrific.

What I do knock Charles for is his built-in insecurity about anyone that would dare disagree with him. If somebody is not disruptive but simply has a difference of opinion no matter how wrong, that's not worthy of having his or her voice silenced. For instance, what Gordon was booted for was a joke and completely undeserved.

Part of the fun of a blog is to have a difference in opinion and debate as such.

Though there are few of you here I would want to be associated with and am aware that you feel the same, I do give credit to the blog administrators here that at least allow a difference in opinion and aren't afraid to publish as such.

In my opinion, Charles is just as wrong and just as weak in his own unique way as any of his critics.

Anonymous said...

Though there are few of you here I would want to be associated with..

Hate to break it to you, Tex, but you ARE associated with the posters on this site. As a matter of fact, at this point you're one of the regulars. I'll add you to the Christmas card list, and I'll see you at the meetings on Tuesdays. Bring a fruit salad for the potluck afterwards.

Anonymous said...

"I don't really blame Charles for keeping close tabs on registration. There's so many loons out there concerning controversial subjects such as the war, his site would quickly be overwhelmed."

Heh? Sorry, that makes no sense, there are many sites on the internet discuss sensitive issues, and still have differing opinions and can register anytime. take examples of sites he criticize regularly. If he wants to make change, he can't make such change without allowing people who he tries to change from commenting, but what we assume he is not trying to change anybody, he is merely making advertising money out of ignorant lizards commenting and visiting his political rant site, he calls it news.

Anonymous said...

I'll add you to the Christmas card list, and I'll see you at the meetings on Tuesdays. Bring a fruit salad for the potluck afterwards.

Tex, since this is your first meeting, can you bring a flag too? We've already burned through all of mine.

Anonymous said...


Tex, since this is your first meeting, can you bring a flag too? We've already burned through all of mine.

LOL! You bet. I've got a million Pali flags waiting for a special occasion. What's that you say? Wrong flag? Oh, never mind.

Hate to break it to you, Tex, but you ARE associated with the posters on this site. As a matter of fact, at this point you're one of the regulars. {Ouch! legitimate point, though} I'll add you to the Christmas card list {I figured Halloween was the day of choice here} , and I'll see you at the meetings on Tuesdays. Bring a fruit salad for the potluck afterwards. {I can't think of a more appropriate food to bring. Perfect!}

"I don't really blame Charles for keeping close tabs on registration. There's so many loons out there concerning controversial subjects such as the war, his site would quickly be overwhelmed."

Heh? Sorry, that makes no sense,

It makes perfect sense. Next time LGF has one of those threads with >1,000 posts, try and read the last one. And get a long book because you'll have cobwebs around your head when it finally flashes.

Anonymous said...

"It makes perfect sense. Next time LGF has one of those threads with >1,000 posts, try and read the last one. And get a long book because you'll have cobwebs around your head when it finally flashes."

There is something called "paging", CJ is self-proclaimed "genius" in programming, it is so easy to make paging, say each page holds 500 comments, that will never stuck the page or crash the browser, so your point is still makes no sense. you can check some sites that have thousands of comments, check Yahoo, check Digg some of these sites gets dozen of comments per second.

Anonymous said...

anonymous @6:00 AM,

There is something called "paging", CJ is self-proclaimed "genius" in programming, it is so easy to make paging, say each page holds 500 comments, that will never stuck the page or crash the browser, so your point is still makes no sense. you can check some sites that have thousands of comments, check Yahoo, check Digg some of these sites gets dozen of comments per second.

5/01/2008 06:00:00 AM

With all due respect and not start a fling here, but those examples you just provided as comparison (like Yahoo) are managed with distributed processing. I doubt C.J. has neither the time or resources as LGF is a personal blog, albeit a rather large one.

But for someone so technically brilliant, can't you at least make up a name so I can refer to you by something besides anonymous + time stamp next time?