Little Green Footballs

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh really?

The members of the circular firing squad that has become the right-wing blogosphere are sharpening their aim...

Quoth Charles:

I’ve made my position very clear — I won’t stand with racists and white supremacists, not now, not in the past, not ever.

Do our eyes deceive us?!

I’ve made my position very clear — I won’t stand with racists and white supremacists, not now, not in the past, not ever.

Apologies in advance for any keyboards that might have ruined. But what we'd like to know is, when did the years 2001-2007 un-happen?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Watching the Gates

Thanks to commenter "Gates of Vienna Watch" for pointing us toward, well, Gates of Vienna Watch.

Ah, the joy of exposing the idiocies of an moronic ultra-right-wing blog. Sure takes us back... (fade into "Memories")

And let's not forget our friend Lex over at GoV Vs the World, who has been doing yeoman service for a couple of years now.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Quote Of The Day

After all, who cares about basic fact checking when there’s an ideology to be

Charles Johnson (LGF)

It seems Charles has had a memory wipe and can't recall the 24/7 coverage of bullshit stories about Muslims he peddled for the last couple of years.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama Derangement Syndrome

We note with some interest that the tag "Obama Derangement Syndrome" is now appended to several recent posts over at LGF.

Why this tag only appeared recently, rather than -- oh, let's say, about eighteen months ago -- is still unknown.