Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Osama sleeps with the fishes

And we join the rest of the civilized world in congratulating President Obama on this superb achievement.

But not, of course, without taking a little jab at our former nemesis, whose ghastly pre-2009 blogging career would not have been possible absent the 9/11 attacks.

Friday, January 14, 2011

No comment

Really, what could we possibly add to this?

Saturday, January 08, 2011

The Great Climate Switcheroo

It's a truly rare occasion where Charles Johnson acknowledges the rather shady past of his blog, which has been covered in sufficient depth at this very website for several years.

Having evolved from a persistent LGF Watcher to a casual LGF reader following the colossal paradigm shift that site has undergone, imagine my (positive) surprise when reading this thread on a warning about global warming as from over 20 years ago from Isaac Asimov. Well, not the thread itself, but the first comment written by none other than Charles himself:

If I'd posted this at LGF in 2007, Asimov would have immediately been accused of being a commie atheist hack sci-fi writer with no idea what the fuck he was talking about.

Spot on. How often does this kind of statement by the Lizard King happen?

A more interesting question is though: Why does Charles shove all the blame to his former fan base? Back in 2007, would've he done the same? According to 2011-Charles, definitely not. But as he has previously been proven to have a remarkably short memory when it comes to opinions on global warming, it seems probable that he would've joined in.

But hey, this is quite some progress! Gotta give credit where credit is due.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This Week in LGF History, Part Trois

It's been a very long while indeed since we've done this (part the first, part the second) so here's a Thanksgiving Week edition of This Week in LGF History.

November 29, 2008 - Soon-to-be-banned Lizard "Zombie" accuses San Francisco Muslims of celebrating the attacks on Mumbai
November 19, 2007 - Charles publishes a very post facto freakout over a terrorist non-incident that wasn't even real in the first place
November 25, 2006 - Confused Lizards attribute thuggery committed by anti-Semitic white French youths to anti-Semitic brown French youths
November 30, 2005 - The peace-loving "LGF brain trust" vents spleen and several other bodily organs against four Christian peace activists who were kidnapped in Iraq
November 17, 2004 - Charles bashes a freelance NBC journlist who had the temerity to criticize George W. Bush
November 21, 2003 - Charles bashes Salam Pax, the renowned "Baghdad Blogger" who had the temerity to criticize George W. Bush

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Charles erasing old LGF posts?

Per commenter "he who scoffs at danger" comes word that Charles may have been deleting old posts of his that are, shall we say, inconvenient. See the gory details here. Complete with throbbing LGF memo!

Fortunately for aficionados of the way LGF used to be, our voluminous archives (at least through early 2009 or so) do contain excerpts, and occasionally screenshots, of the insanity that Charles foisted upon the world and is now desperately trying to disavow. A recent post of his is entitled "The Roots of Sharia Hysteria," which expends a couple hundred words attempting to explain a phenomenon that Charles could much more easily recapitulate by simply looking in a mirror.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Spencer Watch!

For obvious reasons, LGF Watch has been rather silent of late. Much to his credit, Charles Johnson has increasingly edged away from his past sentiment that demonized Islam and everything related to it, and has lately started thrashing people for "Anti-Muslim bigotry" and for protesting against an 89-storey islamofascist terror-breeding, infidel-beheading Ground-Zero Super-Duper-Mega-Ultra-Mosque Islamic cultural center. Yes, times have changed dramatically in Lizard Kingdom.

However, concerning his former allies and friends who have turned into his bitterest foes, none less than intellectual fraud and disgraceful "scholar" Robert Spencer, and his faithful Shrieking Harpy Pamela Geller, who is basically just that... They've become loonier and more bigoted than ever.

So while Charles Johnson's blog is actually becoming quite readable, the only way to stomache the insanity of the anti-Muslim movement is with brilliant exposure with a pinch of parody. Now, we're not planning on shifting our focus to other anti-Muslim extremists across the media, because LoonWatch does exactly that, and they do it very well.

But while LoonWatch may not be new, a new sister site of it is, which focuses on one of LoonWatch's prime suppliers of material, and it needs some publicity. So Ladies and Gentlemen, sit back, grab some popcorn and enjoy Spencer Watch! It does a fabulous and long-overdue job of placing Bobby Spencer onto the manure heap of scholarship, right where he belongs. And I'm sure Charles Johnson would get a few chuckles (no pun intended) out of that.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Charles' moment of truth

Charles' moderate-liberal bona fides are about to be put to a serious test... because even though he has publicly flip-flopped on every other issue imaginable, his unconditional support of Israel has, apparently, remained steadfast.

Now the IDF has killed several foreign pro-Palestinian activists on a flotilla of boats -- which may or may not have been in international waters -- trying to deliver supplies through the Gaza blockade. To the extent that Charles cares about retaining his current leftish fanbase, which he surely does if he wants to hold on to whatever traffic he has left, he will have to tread very, very carefully -- for the almost unanimous reaction to this, at least for anyone to the left of Robert Spencer and Pammy Atlas Gellar Shrieks, is shock and horror.

If this were 2007, he would of course be coining amusing nicknames for the victims, heaping scorn on Turkey and Europe and the UN and (why not?) the moldering corpse of Yassir Arafat, and cheering silently as his readers spew every anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian cliché imaginable. But this is 2010, so he can't do that.

So what'll it be, Charles? Back to the future, ignore it completely, or (gasp!) criticize Israel for once?