Little Green Footballs

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Compare and contrast

Daily Kos diarist writes an unfunny piece about Matt Drudge alleging that he was found with child prOn. Article is highlighted and deleted.

Little Green Footballs lets its commenters go wild with tasteless remarks about dead activists, murdering journalists, sick jokes about the Hajj stampede. Nothing. Zilch. Nada.

In fact the only thing that get's you deleted on LGF is criticising Chuckie or the Bush regime. Oh and making death threats and being rude, but only if they're followed up by phone call from the FBI.



Anonymous said...

This blog is lame.

Anonymous said...

"This blog is lame."

Wow, cutting and oh so intellectual comment. Next time don't think too hard and get to the point.

PS when you're finished on the net and eaten all of your cheetos, mom wants you to leave the basement and do a little yard work

Anonymous said...

"In fact the only thing that get's you deleted on LGF is criticising Chuckie or the Bush regime."

Actually, a significant part of the traffic on LGF is criticism of Bush and his administration.

There are posts like that in virtually every thread, as any casual inspection will show.

Criticisms of Charles personally are a different thing. I don't see too many of those (though I have seen a few), but that's probably because most posters on LGF have the common courtesy not to walk into someone's home and call them names.

On the other hand, I'd wager cash money the author of this lame blog was previously tossed off LGF for inappappropriate remarks.

Would the author care to respond?

Anonymous said...

"Actually, a significant part of the traffic on LGF is criticism of Bush and his administration"

Only that they're not killing enough brown people.